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Helping students see the link between your courses and careers.

Marketing tools that make sense of big data to give students joined up career pathways.

Latest video Watch our short video introducing Pathways Graduate

Used by over 100 education institutions

  • Logo activatelearning
  • Oldham Sixth Form College
  • Logo traffordcollege
  • USP College
  • Logo exeter
  • Logo havant
  • Yeovil College
  • Logo newcitycollege
  • Askham Bryan College
  • Logo boltonsfc
  • Logo bdc
  • Somerset skills and learning
  • Logo rutc
  • Logo priestley
  • Logo strode
  • Logo southessex
  • Logo telford
  • Weymouth College
  • City of Wolverhampton College
  • Rotherham logo
  • Blackpool sixth logo
  • Suffolk college logo
  • Bury college
  • North notts
  • Dearne valley
  • University of Bradford
  • University of Stirling
  • York college logo
  • Petroc

Promote your courses by mapping them to careers

Our careers mapping technology ensures your course automatically links to careers and demonstrates to students the route to their chosen career.

Seamless integration in your website

All Pathways digital tools embed seamlessly into your website and display careers-rich data alongside your existing content. They're simple to embed and customisation tools allow them to feel like part of your website.

Helps fulfil Gatsby Benchmarks and Ofsted's careers criteria

Good career guidance is essential and your use of Pathways will help fulfil some of the criteria set out by the government relating to labour market information, linking curriculum to careers and highlighting routes to FE and HE.

Our products

Pathways One

Link your courses to careers.

Pathways One shows progression options from the courses you provide to the careers students can do. Applicants are fully informed on the route to their chosen career, can see their future prospects and are better suited to the courses for which they apply.

More on Pathways One

Pathways Graduate

Prospective students want to see graduate destinations

Pathways Graduate will show your prospective audience the careers your graduates go on to do. Highlighting employers and graduate salaries, the tool helps inform prospective students of their own progression options and gives them a compelling reason to apply.

More on Pathways Graduate

Pathways Explore

A searchable careers library in your website.

Pathways Explore helps you engage with prospective students by taking a careers-first approach. Let them explore over 800 different careers with detailed information about the role, salary and employment data whilst all linking through to your courses.

More on Pathways Explore

Pathways Retrain

Market your courses to adults.

Pathways Retrain helps you engage with adults looking to retrain or change careers. By understanding the transferable skills gained from their current job, Retrain suggests new careers with detailed information on each, all linking through to your courses.

More on Pathways Retrain

Pathways Infographics

Posters and social media cards to engage through careers.

Powered by the same data platform as the Pathways digital tools, the Pathways Infographics are a set of A4 posters and social media cards highlighting key labour market information and progression data for over 350 careers and 26 job sectors.

More on Pathways Infographics

Pathways Solo

A stand-alone digital platform for your careers sessions.

Pathways Solo brings all of our digital tools together in a fully hosted platform. Use on your iPad at open days or careers liaison sessions, giving you a wealth of careers and progression data literally in your hands.

More on Pathways Solo

Helping students see their future

Enriching your content


Student engagement


Most viewed career


The sheer size of the task to add Labour Market Information into over 70 course pages has held us back. But with Pathways we have that solved. It's exactly what we needed, and more!

How to buy

Simple and affordable annual pricing based on your number of full-time students. Schools have an individual price. Get full access to the products your institution needs.

View pricing

Try for free

We offer a no obligation one month free trial with no upfront payment required. We'll set you up with a free account during which time you'll have full access.

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