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Further Education

Show students their future

Promote your courses by mapping them to careers.

The Bedford College Group
Logo exeter
Logo activatelearning
New College Swindon

Demonstrate the value of your courses.

Let students take a careers first approach to choosing your courses. Pathways maps your courses to multiple career options, showing progression routes and Labour Market Information.

  • Used by over 100 FE colleges
  • Highlights career progression from your courses
  • Use careers and LMI to engage prospective students and their parents
  • Simple to embed into your website
  • Automatically maps all your courses to careers - no work required by you
  • Reporting on usage and data insights

The pathways tool is fantastic. It is easy to use and shows students where the qualifications they are studying can take them in the future.

How to buy

Simple and affordable annual pricing based on your number of full-time students. Schools have an individual price. Get full access to the products your institution needs.

View pricing

Try for free

We offer a no obligation one month free trial with no upfront payment required. We'll set you up with a free account during which time you'll have full access.

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