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Worthy winners at the College Marketing Network FE First Awards

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Pathways was a proud sponsor of a new award at this year's FE First Awards by the College Marketing Network. As co-judges, we had some difficult choices to make when reviewing entries in the category for 'Making effective use of research and data'.

The 31st Annual Conference of the College Marketing Network was held in Warwick last week, where the evening's Gala Dinner saw the presentation of the FE First Awards.

In a new category for 2018, Pathways was sponsoring and co-judging the award for 'Making effective use of research and data'. We were incredibly impressed by the level of entries and were taken on a journey through college re-brands, mergers and curriculum re-structures. All presented as evidence-based projects where research was the key driver in delivering change.

The task of judging each project was hard. However clear guidance from the College Marketing Network meant each was assessed against the same, specific criteria allowing us to award two Highly Commended and one Silver Award.

The winners

  • West London College won the Silver Award for their project that started off as a brand, reputation and recruitment plan and ended with far reaching implications for the curriculum and estate.
  • Bedford College Group were awarded Highly Commended for a project that utilised data and research to inform marketing campaigns following a college merger.
  • Plumpton College were also awarded Highly Commended for presenting a project grounded in research to update the college brand.
"Well laid out with clear measurable objectives, the entry included good supporting evidence that brought the project to life and added value to the submission."
Comments on West London College's submission.

For further information on all award winners at this year's FE First Awards visit the College Marketing Network's website.

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